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Week Elements of ・
"Week Elements of ・"として私たちのいる地球『・』ここから何がみえてくるだろう?
2012年よりmi'ndyのディレクションとアートワーク、音楽家・青葉市子、アロマスタイリスト・sous le nez を中心に毎回ゲストとのコラボレーションを加え、オブジェクト、衣、音、香り、食などを融合させたエキシビジョンシリーズの展開。
A travel visiting the daily repeated cycle of the seven days/luminaries, “Sun, Moon, Mars/Fire, Mercury/Water, Jupiter/Tree, Venus/Metal, and Saturn/Earth.” Gazing at those elements and the celestial body, what could we see from our Earth, “・“, of the Week Elements? Since 2012 our exhibition series have united objects, clothes, sounds, aroma, and food, with mi’ndy’s direction and artwork, Ichiko Aoba’s music, sous le nez’ aroma-styling, and invited guests for collaborations at every show.
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